Zandari Fest | Lightcraft

Every year, the incredible indie scene in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea erupts with an amazing festival including acts from all over the world. The 2018 Zandari Fest is no exception, and happens to feature one of our favorite bands, Lightcraft all the way from Indonesia! When these guys take the stage, you'll know it. They bring a passion and substance to music that is beautiful to watch. They play music because they love it, and they play fests like this to get to know people like you and me.
As you can see from this video, their songs are about life, happiness and sorrow, love and loss, and will take you on an emotionally-charged ride.
So why should you see them live? Well, for us, the band's smiles when they hit the stage and the crowd is waiting for that first riff lights up even the darkest clubs. These guys love music, they love entertaining, they just love happiness, and shouldn't we all have a little more love in our lives? If you're looking for a memorable evening check out their showcase or their special stage after the fest (Strangefruit, Monday, 9pm start). For the record, we suggest checking out both because you won't regret a second of these talented guys live! And how often will you get the chance? We've written more about Lightcraft here, but the point with this short intro is to tell you to get to their showcase at Evan's Lounge (Sunday at 6:10) and then to their very special, intimate, performance at Strangefruit in Seoul this weekend. You will NOT be disappointed!
~Keep RoKing my Friends~